Variant Configuration Tables/Tcodes
By: Date: August 28, 2021 Categories: Uncategorized Tags: ,


CUKB : Dependency

CUCO : Variant tables

CABN/CAWN – Characteristics

CABNT/CAWNT – Characteristics descriptions

AUSP – Characteristics Value

TCLA- Class type

TCLAT – Class type Text

TCLT – Classifable objects

TCLC – Classificaton Status


CT04 – Creation of Characteristics          

CL01/CL02/CL03/CL04- Creation of Classes / Change of Class/Display of Class/Delete of Class

MM01/MM02/MM03 – Creation of Configurable Material / Change/Display

CU01/CU02/CU03 – Creation of Dependency / Change/ Display

CU41/CU42/CU43 – Creation of Configuration Profile /Change/Display

CU50 – Simulation of Variant configuration     

 VK30 – Creation of Variant Conditions          

VK11/VK12/VK13 – Creation of SD Pricing Conditions  

CS01/CS02/CS03 – Creation of BOM/Change /Display

CA01/CA02/CA03 – Creation of Routing/ Change/Display

CU44 – Configuration overvie of material

VA01/VA02/VA03 – Creation of Sales order /Change/Display

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